Bolton Trampoline Gymnastics Academy is a centre of excellence for trampolining and DMT in Bolton, with 7 trampolines, DMT, a pit and qualified coaches we offer expert tuition for all. What ever you want to get from trampolining from getting fit, socialising or competing at a national level we have a range of sessions to suit you. We also now offer gymnastics lessons. We are an established club with over 35 years experience and as well as offering lessons we also have a number of social events throughout the year from club competitions, awards nights and fundraising evenings. Further information about sessions is detailed below but if you want to know anything please don't hesitate to get in touch we want to hear from you!
We offer recreational sessions in DMT, Trampoline and Gymnastics. Recreational sessions are where everyone will start their trampolining journey. They are aimed at mastering the basics in a fun and friendly environment. Gymnasts will follow the British Gymnastics Award Scheme and earn badges along the way.
Once you have been attending for a while your coach may put you forward for our squad. This will make available to you a number of external competitions but also require commitment and hard work. Squad spaces are limited and gymnasts will be chosen not only on their potential and ability but their work ethic and enthusiasm. Gymnasts on the squad program will attend competitions such as Challenge Cup, Age Group, English and League.
Adult drop in sessions are relaxed fun sessions still lead by our expert coaches. They are aimed for anyone from complete beginner to ex national competitors. There is no commitment and you can pay as you go.
1:1 sessions are for members only. They are a 30 minute session with a coach to work on what ever you want to. This can include new skills, routine construction, perfecting moves or anything else you need.
At BTGA we cater for parties for up to 18 children. You will begin with 1 hour on the trampoline with our qualified coaches and then you are welcome to bring your own food and games for 45 mins. Parties can be booked through the club website although we would recommend emailing info@btga.co.uk first to check availability.